Do you still have dreams about work?

Not anymore but did a lot in the first 6 years. I have been 8 years out now and those have stopped.
I was blessed to RE in13'. Finally stopped after about 9 yrs??
Yeah, I figure my dream is a direct result of this thread!:cool: I hadn't had a w*rk dream for a long time.
Same here - hadn’t had one for awhile but, last night, I got fired 🤣

Interesting, because I’ve never been fired from any job. Strange because the person who fired me was an old boss from my days of working while going to college (a long time ago). Hard to understand how dreams come about. The job I got fired from wasn’t the job I had when I worked for that boss. I was a stock clerk and in the dream, I got fired from a desk job. Oh well, now that I’m FIRE’d, I better figure out what to do with my life.
I have never had "work dreams", really. While working, I'd occasionally have puzzle dreams, where I'd have a silly technical loop I'd traverse, but not disturbing, and sometimes work and sometimes just a household fix I was pondering.

If you want more on this topic from days gone by, there's a similar thread
Often. Been over a decade. They have evolved a bit though. Earlier in the dreams I have no clue that I'm not working anymore. Now often I realize in the dream that I'm done.

To be fair, I still have dreams that I'm a few credits short in college :popcorn:.
Same here - hadn’t had one for awhile but, last night, I got fired 🤣

Interesting, because I’ve never been fired from any job. Strange because the person who fired me was an old boss from my days of working while going to college (a long time ago). Hard to understand how dreams come about. The job I got fired from wasn’t the job I had when I worked for that boss. I was a stock clerk and in the dream, I got fired from a desk job. Oh well, now that I’m FIRE’d, I better figure out what to do with my life.
Yeah, I still wonder why "impossible" dreams (or highly unlikely dreams) don't wake me up. When I DO wake up, I just have to shake my head that I could have ever dreamed such a thing. I wish we knew more about dreams but YMMV.
Maybe it was triggered by this thread, but I did have a work-related dream.

I was working at my job before my last, and I was so stressed that I interviewed and accepted a job as a Spanish teacher in a school. I was even stressed in my dream about taking the new job as I knew I was not qualified as my Spanish is limited to:

- si
- no
-taco (and)
- Yo no hablo espanol.

When I gave notice, my former boss responded "Well, we were going to auction you off anyway."
I do have very occasional nightmares. Some have to do with flying in single engine helicopter, no flotation devices on the skids, over open ocean and low on fuel. Even with flotation device the thing assumes stable psition No2 shortly after splashdown. Stable position No2=upside down.
In fact we once landed a Hughes 500 at the airport and the turbine shut off within 20 seconds out of fuel. At least did not have to experience autorotation landing.
I don’t now but I used to have some about the narcissist boss who forced me out.
I have been retired five years now and at least once a week I have a dream about some former job.

Not about any former jobs. I was able to step out of that entire existence quite easily.

However I do regularly have dreams (not quite nightmares) about college, and less often about my time in the Marine Corps. Typically revolving around the theme of me supposing to be someplace else, or about being chased by something and always turning around to fight.
In a former life I was a flight attendant (Stewardess in those days) in the mid 1960's. There's a hint...
as to my age. I still have dreams about that job. About once a month I'll dream we are coming in for a landing and the galley is still not locked down and meals are still out in the cabin. Other stress situations in that job will visit my dreams...such as not having the proper uniform and I'm not supposed to be working the flight...a psychologist might have fun figuring out that one.
I'm still working and rarely have dreams about work. I do have dreams about having to go back to school because I accidently failed to take an exam or didn't graduate for some reason. I get those nearly once a week.
I have been retired five years now and at least once a week I have a dream about some former job. Not really nightmares, they vary. Sometimes the people are real people I worked with, sometimes composites. I don't miss work at all and don't really think about it very much any more so I am surprised. Am I the only one?
Nope. I've been retired for 25 years. Still dream about work 3-4 times a month. Often very pleasant dreams.
I have them occasionally, not often. And when I do, they are usually fun, like I am in a meeting, getting assigned things, then I realize that I'm really retired and I don't give a s^it. "Sure, give me all the responsibility you want!" (suckers).
I have been retired five years now and at least once a week I have a dream about some former job. Not really nightmares, they vary. Sometimes the people are real people I worked with, sometimes composites. I don't miss work at all and don't really think about it very much any more so I am surprised. Am I the only one?

I have dreams about school even - now that was a LONG time ago.

All of you having stressful dreams about work (past and present) are people who have a strong sense of duty (doing what is right). I have been retired from my first real job since the last century and my retirement job since just after the turn of the century. The first job was in the Air Force. I was a Wild Weasel, we went out and enticed radar directed surface to air missiles to try to shoot us down but in turn they turned their radars on which we TRIED to take advantage of by firing and anti radiation missile to home in on the radar energy thus taking out the radar and the capability to shoot missiles. The problem was that their missiles were faster than our missiles and thus a cat and mouse scenario ensured with us ducking in and out of the hills trying to break their radar lock on so our missile would guide on their radar emissions. My mission training lasted about 3 months and when I checked in, I didn't get the full complement of publications I was supposed to have to study to do the mission. The missing information was on regulations and the aircraft general systems of which I had vary little control over as my primary function was to identify the radars associated with the SAMs, weeding them out from the other radar signals, locating them, and firing an anti radiation missile to kill the radar.
Three months into the checkout, I was to get my check ride to become mission ready. I was told to go take my aircraft general test before the check-ride. I asked what should I study? I was told the book I never received when I first checked in. I had one day to memorize information on a highly modified Vietnam era aircraft for a special mission the day before my check ride the next day. I passed. Extremely stressful. I have had nightmares about that for over numerous years. You would think that would be minor considering the mission I was flying!

Now days the stressful dreams are just forgetting to do something silly.
I have been retired five years now and at least once a week I have a dream about some former job. Not really nightmares, they vary. Sometimes the people are real people I worked with, sometimes composites. I don't miss work at all and don't really think about it very much any more so I am surprised. Am I the only one?
I’m retired now 17 years. I loved my job and the people I met and worked with.
I too have dreams and composites of the people I worked with and the jobs that I used to do. I’ll wake up with a smile on my face. My wife worked 40 years in the banking industry. Sometimes she talks in her sleep, and I can hear her working. She liked her work too.
Neither of us miss working retirement is awesome.
The only dreams I have about work, are ones where (out of the goodness of my heart) I am demonstrating how to do some of the more difficult aspects of my former job. But I'm not actually WORKING... just being nice to some confused newbies back where I used to work, by just briefly showing them how to do things right before I head off to have fun. Other than that, no work dreams! :biggrin:
LOL ...never 20 months into retirement. I have move on and enjoy sleeping and retirement. Only hangup has been checking back with current employees and finding out what's up? I'm moving away from that time in my life. Stress is an addiction, you need to rethink retirement if this is important, as your life going forward is more important.
Just the people, involved in whatever drifts through. I sometimes sit in the dream and try to place the faces into where I know them from. Just humans, no workplaces.
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