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I like using the what’s new button at the top, but, the number of replies allowed per page causes me some problems, If the thread subject is not trending or popular enough and the replies don’t accumulate fast enough for the “next page” I need to stop using the what’s new button and go directly to each forum to read older posts that get left behind. Those old post will eventually to show up in what’s new, but I want to read them sooner so I jump back and forth between what’s new and each individual forum. It works just a little annoying.
I only just noticed that I have stopped receiving a daily email with links to new posts and such. How can I fix this? I do still receive a weekly Newsletter email.
OK... I have noticed this and am wondering what is going on....

I use Firefox... I hit the new posts link above and look at what is new... I read what I like and then hit the mark all threads read...

I have noticed that in the tab at the top there is a number next to the forum update and that number keeps getting bigger and bigger... I have close down)the tab but the number does not reset... it is now showing (118)...

It is not related to an individual thread as the number only gets larger....

Any thoughts?
How do I change my location, etc.
Also, you can get there by clicking on your account name, which shows this:
OK... I have noticed this and am wondering what is going on....

I use Firefox... I hit the new posts link above and look at what is new... I read what I like and then hit the mark all threads read...

I have noticed that in the tab at the top there is a number next to the forum update and that number keeps getting bigger and bigger... I have close down)the tab but the number does not reset... it is now showing (118)...

It is not related to an individual thread as the number only gets larger....

Any thoughts?

Never got anything on this question... so bumping it.
Never got anything on this question... so bumping it.
I think it's the number of alerts you have. Click on the little bell icon next to "Search" at the right of the top nav bar and see if there's anything there. I changed my preferences to ignore all alerts and that number went away.
I only just noticed that I have stopped receiving a daily email with links to new posts and such. How can I fix this? I do still receive a weekly Newsletter email.
The daily emails have returned.
But the contents are unhelpful - before the software change, the email showed new threads only. Now it shows 10 random threads, some months old. And it shows the FIRST post in the thread, even if that was made months ago. Not usefull - can't tell if there was an interesting development in the threads.
Can we return to new threads only ? THX
I only just noticed that I have stopped receiving a daily email with links to new posts and such. How can I fix this? I do still receive a weekly Newsletter email.

Same here. I noticed I hadn't checked the board in a while, and I saw new posts in a couple of subscribed threads.
Same here. I noticed I hadn't checked the board in a while, and I saw new posts in a couple of subscribed threads.
I believe that is something you can set up in your "preferences". Click on your name in the upper right corner and it will open a box. Click on "preferences," scroll down and check the boxes for all the things for which you wish to receive an alert. Then click on "save".
Thanks Gumby, but the only box NOT checked on that page is "Receive activity summary email", since I didn't find the daily "roundup" useful. Every other one is checked, but I did just get an email for the first time in at least a week or two, so whatever it was might be fixed.
Hmm... I'm late to the game on the change. I used to get an email every Monday am and it showed ONLY NEW posts and only from Fire and Money. Now I get a whole mishmash of posts from all over. When I click on my name in the upper right, there is no selection for Preferences. Help?
Okay - I see now that your first click on Account Details, and then you get the Preferences screen. For Preferences, every single item is checked. So I guess my question is - how/can I limit the email to only the New posts in Fire and Money?
How do I "Search a Thread"? I'd search this thread for an answer, but I don't know how. :facepalm:

I must be missing it. I find general search but can't find the handy "Search This Thread."
Thank you!!! Dang, I missed that last choice in the pulldown.
Okay - I see now that your first click on Account Details, and then you get the Preferences screen. For Preferences, every single item is checked. So I guess my question is - how/can I limit the email to only the New posts in Fire and Money?
Don't know about the email, but this may be an adequate workaround:

Go to "forums" and select " FIre and Money" . Select "Watch". Then go to "Preferences" and tick the box to receive an alert when "someone posts to a watched forum".
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