Question for Sourdough Bread Makers

Since I did not have good luck with making my own starter I used a packet of Red Star Platinum Sourdough Starter to make a batch of a french bread recipe from their website. I used a small portion of the batch to make a pizza and refrigerated the rest to make what ever [probably a loaf in a day or 2]. Here's a pic

OHHH that looks wonderful!! Please post your next bake and thanks for sharing.
Taking the chill off of the house this morning.

That is another beautiful delicious looking bake!! My scoring never seems to be as distinct as all you pros bread.
Baked this morning, another portion from the dough left from the other day, fed the remainder dough, let it rise and put it back in the refrigerator.
The crust is more crackly than crisp, the crumb is chewy and moist. The dough for this loaf was intentionally more wet and soft, had to use a scraper to shape it for the pan, the rise was good but did not get a rounded top crust due to the wet soft nature of this mix.


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Looking good!

I Just got done baking a loaf a few minutes ago and this loaf raised the highest so far. I didn't go read through 17 pages of posts, but I believe someone mentioned to place the dough in freezer for the last hour or so. I did that with this loaf, and it just exploded into a beautiful loaf.

I will be using that technic from now on. It is also easier to score and handle before going into the oven.

Happy baking!!!


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Looking good!

I Just got done baking a loaf a few minutes ago and this loaf raised the highest so far. I didn't go read through 17 pages of posts, but I believe someone mentioned to place the dough in freezer for the last hour or so. I did that with this loaf, and it just exploded into a beautiful loaf.

I will be using that technic from now on. It is also easier to score and handle before going into the oven.

Happy baking!!!

Street, that looks so good! :cool:
Looking good!

I Just got done baking a loaf a few minutes ago and this loaf raised the highest so far. I didn't go read through 17 pages of posts, but I believe someone mentioned to place the dough in freezer for the last hour or so. I did that with this loaf, and it just exploded into a beautiful loaf.

I will be using that technic from now on. It is also easier to score and handle before going into the oven.

Happy baking!!!

Wow, that looks great. I will have to try the freezer trick. Thanks.
Street, that’s some awesome oven spring! I read about going directly from the refrigerator to the oven for increased oven spring but I’ve never tried the freezer. Thanks for the tip.
Anyone know of a good light weight baking pot for round loaves. My cast iron pot is too heavy and tough to handle coming hot out of the oven.
After an epic month of failure-to-launch starter attempts, with the help of this group my starter is doing great. So great that I had a bunch of extra starter left after making my last loaf.

I decided to boost my pancakes with a generous dose of starter and it worked out great. Also, my last loaf had the strongest sourdough tang yet. It’s not as strong as the store bought breads which often toss in something acidic to boost the tang and that’s fine with me.

My question is this, with your slice of sourdough do you like salted or unsalted butter?
After an epic month of failure-to-launch starter attempts, with the help of this group my starter is doing great. So great that I had a bunch of extra starter left after making my last loaf.

I decided to boost my pancakes with a generous dose of starter and it worked out great. Also, my last loaf had the strongest sourdough tang yet. It’s not as strong as the store bought breads which often toss in something acidic to boost the tang and that’s fine with me.

My question is this, with your slice of sourdough do you like salted or unsalted butter?

Salted butter for us.
How are the Sourdough people doing! I just took a slice from a fresh bake yesterday morning. I have been really getting the air pockets and bubbles in the bread. My startah is getting better with age I do believe. The last few bakes the bread rises to 5.5 inches tall.

Happy Baking!!!


  • IMG_3444.jpg
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How are the Sourdough people doing! I just took a slice from a fresh bake yesterday morning. I have been really getting the air pockets and bubbles in the bread. My startah is getting better with age I do believe. The last few bakes the bread rises to 5.5 inches tall.

Happy Baking!!!

Nice..reminds me of Swiss Cheese! :D
How are the Sourdough people doing! I just took a slice from a fresh bake yesterday morning. I have been really getting the air pockets and bubbles in the bread. My startah is getting better with age I do believe. The last few bakes the bread rises to 5.5 inches tall.

Happy Baking!!!

You've got explosive fermentation going on!

I baked a loaf yesterday. I'm getting to the end of the sourdough season. I usually take the summer off to avoid adding baking heat to the house.
You've got explosive fermentation going on!

I baked a loaf yesterday. I'm getting to the end of the sourdough season. I usually take the summer off to avoid adding baking heat to the house.

I should also but we really enjoy the bread. No preservatives and healthier bread. I might bake some through the summer and keep the startah alive and kicking.
A friend sent me an article that mentioned this starter that dates back to 1847!
You can get some by sending a self-addressed stamped envelope

Here's the article

I'd cranked out a number of loaves in short order and my starter got upset with me. Pretty much crossed it's arms and glowered up at me from it's container. Was tickled by the Carl's Starter article and the Oregon connection so sent off my SASE and a small unrequested contribution. Couple weeks later I got a teaspoon or so of white powder in a baggie in the mail and Carl's Starter is great! Added some to my flour/water mix and it reacted with vigor.

Bought some Rye flour and added a spoonful to my beginning mix and the starter does seem to get frothy real fast - Starter says YUM!

Took a tip from Street and have been sticking the Banneton in the frig for an hour or so after letting it rise on the counter - seems to stiffen the outside of the dough ball, letting it stand taller in the cooking pan and resulting in a taller loaf.

Mixed up a batch of starter and when it got frothy spread it on waxed paper and dried it. After a few days peeled it off and ran it through the blender. Now I have backup and an easy way to share my (Carl's) starter.
I'd cranked out a number of loaves in short order and my starter got upset with me. Pretty much crossed it's arms and glowered up at me from it's container. Was tickled by the Carl's Starter article and the Oregon connection so sent off my SASE and a small unrequested contribution. Couple weeks later I got a teaspoon or so of white powder in a baggie in the mail and Carl's Starter is great! Added some to my flour/water mix and it reacted with vigor.

Bought some Rye flour and added a spoonful to my beginning mix and the starter does seem to get frothy real fast - Starter says YUM!

Took a tip from Street and have been sticking the Banneton in the frig for an hour or so after letting it rise on the counter - seems to stiffen the outside of the dough ball, letting it stand taller in the cooking pan and resulting in a taller loaf.

Mixed up a batch of starter and when it got frothy spread it on waxed paper and dried it. After a few days peeled it off and ran it through the blender. Now I have backup and an easy way to share my (Carl's) starter.

Excellent!!! Thanks for sharing your method and story. I place my Banneton in fridge for about 10 hours and then in freezer for ~1/2 to 1 hour and then score and into 450 oven.

The freezing stage is what makes mine spring and pop to a beautiful rise.
very happy to see you are all still baking. I made a loaf last week, but no pics. will start one again later today to bake monday night.
Does anyone if you can freeze some sourdough starter and unthaw it and it will come back to life?

I have done a little research on it but would like firsthand experience and views before I attempt it and lose what I have created.

Thank You.
Does anyone if you can freeze some sourdough starter and unthaw it and it will come back to life?

I have done a little research on it but would like firsthand experience and views before I attempt it and lose what I have created.

Thank You.
I never made bread but in my old w*rk life, I used to store frozen cultures for years at a time - all of which would grow once thawed. YMMV
If you are wondering why you bother to make your own bread sour dough or other, here are some excerpts from an article on modern factory made breads and why they can last for weeks if not months. They seem to be among the ultra processed foods we consume rather frequently.

Maybe this article explains why my tummy is happier when I eat my home made bread and gets more reflux when I eat store bought bread, even the multi-grain stuff. I'm not getting whole grain as I understand that term.

It's behind a paywall so here are some scary quotes, in case you need motivation to make another loaf soon. :oops:
Emphasis added
Ultra-processed generally refers to mass-produced foods made with ingredients you wouldn’t find in a typical home kitchen. Most are made with whole foods that have been broken down and chemically modified, and they often include ingredients designed to boost a food’s color, flavor or texture.

and other ingredients that help dough withstand the modern manufacturing process. An emulsifier called datem, made of tartaric acid and other chemicals, strengthens a dough’s protein network. Mono- and diglycerides, made from soybean and other oils, offer softness and volume. Preservatives like calcium propionate extend bread’s shelf life by preventing the growth of mold.
But even whole-grain loaves often use grains that have been split apart and reconstituted, reducing their health benefits.
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Had some sour dough this morning that BIL made. A different recipe for the starter: buttermilk, flour with some rye flour, and a tsp caraway seeds. It came alive faster than the basic flour/water starter and the buttermilk maybe enhanced the lactobacillus that works in combination with the wild yeast. A very defined sour tang and the caraway seeds were a tasty addition. Think I'll try it...
Most of my June was taken up with assorted things that kept me busy and away from the kitchen. As a result, my sourdough starter spent three weeks in the fridge unattended and ignored. It was looking rather ratty.

Yesterday I gave it the first feeding in three weeks and it took off. Today I baked what has to be my finest loaf of sourdough bread yet. It has all the nice tang of sourdough with a wonderful crust and a good crumb.

Like my plants, sough dough starter does better when I ignore it for a while.
Most of my June was taken up with assorted things that kept me busy and away from the kitchen. As a result, my sourdough starter spent three weeks in the fridge unattended and ignored. It was looking rather ratty.

Yesterday I gave it the first feeding in three weeks and it took off. Today I baked what has to be my finest loaf of sourdough bread yet. It has all the nice tang of sourdough with a wonderful crust and a good crumb.

Like my plants, sough dough starter does better when I ignore it for a while.
Great!!! I'm still baking at least once a week and I haven't eaten a piece of boughten bread since late 2023. The homemade bread is so much better for me and tastes so good. Lol

I haven't frozen a cup full yet but I may do that so I can sustain my original startah.

I haven't stopped baking yet for the summer. Still in the 40's in the mornings nice to have a little warmth and love the smell of fresh bread in the home. I'm up at 5 and baking is done by 6 when I do bake.
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