Question for Sourdough Bread Makers

My daughter came in June and spent a couple of weeks. We were busy, but she showed me how to make sourdough bread and she also made sourdough pizza.

I need to try making it on my own, but feel a little intimidated. Guess, I just need to do it.
My daughter came in June and spent a couple of weeks. We were busy, but she showed me how to make sourdough bread and she also made sourdough pizza.

I need to try making it on my own, but feel a little intimidated. Guess, I just need to do it.
It has been a fun journey for me to learn about bread making. There are a lot of great sourdough makers here that I learned a lot from. I learned as I went, and I now know what works for me.
It has been a fun journey for me to learn about bread making. There are a lot of great sourdough makers here that I learned a lot from. I learned as I went, and I now know what works for me.
After I read about how whole wheat grains are taken apart, mixed with additives, and then the resulting 'dough' mixture is used to make bread, I now know why my homemade bread does not mess with my body like store bought bread does.
After I read about how whole wheat grains are taken apart, mixed with additives, and then the resulting 'dough' mixture is used to make bread, I now know why my homemade bread does not mess with my body like store bought bread does.
Yes, yes!! Only thing in the bread is bread flour and water. No additives or preservatives. I have a friend I give some bread to and he said it is the only bread he can eat being a diabetic. I never feel full of bloated eating this homemade bread and don't seem to cause any weight change no matter how much I eat. It has won me over for health reasons.
My daughter came in June and spent a couple of weeks. We were busy, but she showed me how to make sourdough bread and she also made sourdough pizza.

I need to try making it on my own, but feel a little intimidated. Guess, I just need to do it.
don't be intimidated. it's only flour, water, and salt. you might not nail it the first or second or even fifth attempt, but who cares. trust me, it's well worth it. dive in, the water is fine!
My daughter came in June and spent a couple of weeks. We were busy, but she showed me how to make sourdough bread and she also made sourdough pizza.

I need to try making it on my own, but feel a little intimidated. Guess, I just need to do it.
I had stater problems for over a month. It turned out I had outsmarted myself. I was using whole wheat Einkorn flour which is not that great for using as the starter. I switched to a combo of regular whole wheat flour and white unbleached flour and my starter took off!
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