Running with a new hip?

Weight training to really build muscles around hip area very important. Agree with high impact isn’t what you want to be doing. 5-10 minutes of around 80% ( or less. Could be 50%) sprints up hills really builds glutes , which is good after a hip replacement. Also it really builds up that ROM. I am not a Dr either but my surgeon tells me not to be that cautious . Just don’t pound it for long durations and not often if I feel the need.
One hip revision in,
just never notice it’s there. I read the horror stories regarding revisions too, a lot depends on the surgeon. But if don’t really want a 3rd one. Today’s implants can last a real long time. Surgery is getting better too
Weight training to really build muscles around hip area very important. Agree with high impact isn’t what you want to be doing. 5-10 minutes of around 80% ( or less. Could be 50%) sprints up hills really builds glutes , which is good after a hip replacement. Also it really builds up that ROM. I am not a Dr either but my surgeon tells me not to be that cautious . Just don’t pound it for long durations and not often if I feel the need.
One hip revision in,
just never notice it’s there. I read the horror stories regarding revisions too, a lot depends on the surgeon. But if don’t really want a 3rd one. Today’s implants can last a real long time. Surgery is getting better too
I have two, one 15 years ago, one 4 years ago, both done via the anterior procedure. This changed my life and gave me back my golf game.
You should get your bone density checked first, and whatever else your doctor recommends. I slipped on some ice in January, broke a femur, and then was surprised that I have severe osteoporosis. Apparently men get it too.
FWIW, my daily walks include several hills. The hills are my cardio inducing replacement for running and/or pounding my new knee and other old joints.
High impact definitely isn’t good, especially for extended period of time. My surgeon told me doing things like squats is good but not down stay in a more than 90% angle with a heavy load for any duration. When I do “ run”, it’s basically short 10-20 yards bursts at around 50-70% max speed usually on soft grass with some incline. Nice for same ROM and for some muscle stimulation that weights won’t get at. I also only do this for a few minutes a few times a week. Yes, there is some “impact” but duration is minimal. I also played sports forever so I feel pretty comfortable doing it. If it felt awkward, wouldn’t consider it. Not a suggestion for someone else to .
Of course bone density test makes sense. It’s a good reminder, I should do that myself.
I am also only 60, won’t be doing it at 80.
Walking hill is definitely my main goto also.
If there are no good hills near me, I fill a few water bottles, put them in my day pack and set out for my walk. If I get thirsty I can drink the water. If the pack is too heavy, I pour some water out. Some folks have turned this into a money making scheme called “rucking”.

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