This weather is awful - 2024 to ?

Hit 100 in our Mid-Atlantic location, 103 heat index. But the humidity seemed not too bad.

I was outside painting and doing yard work this morning until around 11, mostly in the shade, and I did feel too hot. Sweated a bit, but not drenched. Happy to be inside for most of the rest of the day. Heat index is still 99 at this time.
97F right now here in New Orleans. So glad my AC is working well! No wind or rain here today. :) Stayed inside all day, which is fine with me.
High today was 96 in SW PA. It is now starting to drop, currently 91. Measured the west facing brick wall of my house, which the sun hits starting around 3:30PM, now 120F according to laser thermometer. Inside walls are 81F mostly. thermostat set at 74F. AC working fine. Had a new one installed arond four years ago to replace the 1970 version.
Rain is in the forecast for tomorrow around 1 PM.
Put fresh water into the birdbath.
Heat got up to 102F today! Wow. Thank goodness we didn't have to go outside, and Frank told the yard man that there was no rush to finish any work and he could quit for the day whenever it seemed like a good idea. We didn't want him passing out in the heat!

And now, we are to expect 35 mph winds for the next hour or so. Doesn't seem windy yet, but there's a big orange blotch on the radar. :giggle:
A few days ago, the weather people said that we were in the beginning of a drought. Between 6/6 and 6/22 it was hot with only 0.43" of rain.

Then it rained 1.17" on 6/23 and 0.86" (so far) on 6/25. Now we (4.43") are above normal (4.17') for the month of June. 8" (47%) above normal for the year so far.

So wet that my outside workshop walls are inhabited by slugs.

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