What kind of stock/bond mix you looking at in retirement?

I find comfort in diversification, so when I think about retirement survival strategies, I count:
41% globally diversified stock index funds
41% globally diversified bond index funds
18% Bitcoin ETFs and related stocks
A few hundred thousand in home equity
Maximum Social Security for two at age 70 in about a decade from now.

I was "sold" on global diversity 20 years ago, and also believe that one's AA can't flip around too much, so I've still got halfish of my equities in international. But now, with the hindsight of how when the US gets the financial flu, the rest of the world also does, I would probably just stick with domestic, and whatever international that comes with it. Another vote against international is that, from an age demographic perspective, nobody tops the US. I probably should ease out of international, but then I'd have to admit I was wrong :)
Was running about 80/20, trimmed some including apple,nvida similar to Buffett I guess. Now about 60/40. I still like the 5% no risk but my rep says I am too conservative. Too much cash.
I was "sold" on global diversity 20 years ago, and also believe that one's AA can't flip around too much, so I've still got halfish of my equities in international. But now, with the hindsight of how when the US gets the financial flu, the rest of the world also does, I would probably just stick with domestic, and whatever international that comes with it. Another vote against international is that, from an age demographic perspective, nobody tops the US. I probably should ease out of international, but then I'd have to admit I was wrong :)
Exactly. Vanguard has beautiful and compelling research papers showing how global stock leadership toggles every five years between domestic and international. Ha! Nothing but domestic leadership for decades now.

International and domestic bonds track each other pretty well, so I don’t groan about those.
If "fixed" rate things stay in the 5-8% range, then I don't need as much stocks. Probably 25-50% max would be better for sleeping at night for me.

It probably won't go the way we think. Just bump along the best you can.
5th year in retirement, 52x in 2019 and now sitting on 94X so I put 25X in fixed income and don't care to rebalance. No plan to be below 70% on the equity side in this lifetime.
I have approximately 5 years of expected RMDs in appropriately maturing Treasuries in my IRAs. I have 5 years of current expenses in my early retired pre-RMD phase in savings bonds, money market funds and treasuries. In future I will convert from stock funds to treasuries once I am 3 years into my 5 year spending plan to prepare for the next 3-5 years. And so on.
Current Age 56. Expecting to take RMDs around age 63-67.
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