What OLD series/movies are you watching? *Spoilers welcome!*

I don't think I posted to this thread before, but if it's a duplicate, I apologize.
I recently bought an 8-season boxed DVD set of the USA series "Burn Notice." It is such a well-put together series, a semi-spy thriller with lots of action and an irreverent flavor. Jeffrey Donavan is Michael Westen, a burned spy who takes on odd jobs in the Miami area. His sidekick is Bruce "The Chin" Campbell, and Sharon Gless plays Westen's chain-smoking mother. Gabrielle Anwar is Westen's sultry-but-dangerous love interest. The series maintains a plot thread throughout the run.
+1 on Burn Notice.
I don't think I posted to this thread before, but if it's a duplicate, I apologize.
I recently bought an 8-season boxed DVD set of the USA series "Burn Notice." It is such a well-put together series, a semi-spy thriller with lots of action and an irreverent flavor. Jeffrey Donavan is Michael Westen, a burned spy who takes on odd jobs in the Miami area. His sidekick is Bruce "The Chin" Campbell, and Sharon Gless plays Westen's chain-smoking mother. Gabrielle Anwar is Westen's sultry-but-dangerous love interest. The series maintains a plot thread throughout the run.

Love, love, love "Burn Notice."
Another good older show is White Colar. It’s a somewhat updated version of It Takes a Thief, complete with beautiful women and a ladies man thief. Very entertaining.
Watched original 1990 Twin Peaks, then Twin Peaks: The Return (2017), then the movie Inland Empire (2006).

Subsequently, I discovered that all this David Lynch has burnt out some circuits in my brain.
Another good older show is White Colar. It’s a somewhat updated version of It Takes a Thief, complete with beautiful women and a ladies man thief. Very entertaining.

+1 on White Collar. Another great show. Premise is the head of the FBI division investigating white collar crimes enlists a famous art thief to help him catch crooks.
I watched the original "3:10 to Yuma" last night. It was much better than I expected it would be. I watched the remake a couple of years ago and that one was really good too.

John Ford and Van Heflin starred. Van Heflin's character is a cattle rancher short on cash who gets hired as a mercenary to bring outlaw John Ford to Contention AZ where he will be put on the 3:10 train to Yuma and imprisonment (and likely to be hanged.) The problem is that Ford's gang is looking to free him and kill Van Heflin. The suspense builds and builds as Heflin brings Ford to Contention with the countdown clock of the 3:10 train appointment looming.

I thought the cinematography was really good, even for a black and white movie. The desert scenes were very convincing, looked hot and dry. Ford's character is a talkative, relaxed guy that tries to get inside Van Heflin's head during the entire time he's in captivity.

Every once in a while I like a good western, and this one fit the bill.
We keep running through old comedies--Cheers, Frasier, Golden Girls.
And classic shows like MASH, Quincy ME, Rockford Files, etc.
Recently watch American Graffitii

New shows just don't seem to connect with me right now.
Agreed and Pluto TV has a lot of them. Mamas Family is on the TV right now.

The other day I was scrolling through the local channels on my TV and I found a really old show playing that was a favorite when I was a kid in the UK called Daktari. My favorite characters were Judy the chimp and Clarence the cross eyed Lion. I was amazed that I recognized the show instantly when I haven't seen or thought about it in 50+ years. I haven't watched it yet but it looks like it's available on Roku Channel and Tubi so it's now on my watch list. I hope I enjoy it now as much as I did way back then.
I watched the original "3:10 to Yuma" last night. It was much better than I expected it would be. I watched the remake a couple of years ago and that one was really good too.

John Ford and Van Heflin starred. Van Heflin's character is a cattle rancher short on cash who gets hired as a mercenary to bring outlaw John Ford to Contention AZ where he will be put on the 3:10 train to Yuma and imprisonment (and likely to be hanged.) The problem is that Ford's gang is looking to free him and kill Van Heflin. The suspense builds and builds as Heflin brings Ford to Contention with the countdown clock of the 3:10 train appointment looming.

I thought the cinematography was really good, even for a black and white movie. The desert scenes were very convincing, looked hot and dry. Ford's character is a talkative, relaxed guy that tries to get inside Van Heflin's head during the entire time he's in captivity.

Every once in a while I like a good western, and this one fit the bill.
That was Glenn Ford, not John. Personally I think Ford was miscast, but he was a hot box office star at the time. And the movie was a big hit.
I rewatched Lawrence of Arabia b/c Steven Spielberg felt it was one of the best movies of all time. Then I read about the history. The movie was accurate about what happened. Fascinating movie and real events.
That was Glenn Ford, not John. Personally I think Ford was miscast, but he was a hot box office star at the time. And the movie was a big hit.
Yes, you are correct. I don't know why I wrote "John". I don't even know a John Ford, actor or otherwise.

According to imdb.com, the two leads were originally cast with with their roles reversed--Ford would play the character bringing the criminal in and Van Heflin would play the criminal.
That was Glenn Ford, not John. Personally I think Ford was miscast, but he was a hot box office star at the time. And the movie was a big hit.
John Ford was one of the most influential move directors and producers of his time. I can see why the similar last name would cause a mix-up. His actually last name was Feeney. Maybe Ford fit better on the back of his director’s chair?
We just finished watching Northern Exposure, fun show but didn't see the Season 6 contract dispute with Rob Morrow coming. Still some good episodes in the last season but it really should have finished stronger
We just finished watching Northern Exposure, fun show but didn't see the Season 6 contract dispute with Rob Morrow coming. Still some good episodes in the last season but it really should have finished stronger
I got bored with it after 2 seasons, but it was fun to watch for a while for nostalgic reasons since I had caught some episodes back in the day.
John Ford was one of the most influential move directors and producers of his time. I can see why the similar last name would cause a mix-up. His actually last name was Feeney. Maybe Ford fit better on the back of his director’s chair?
Glenn Ford was a stage name too. According to Wikipedia, his real first name was ... Gwyllyn.
Started watching "Mash." Enjoying it so far. Again some of the dialogue wouldn't pass today.
Brooklyn Nine Nine, Every episode makes us laugh. (Netflix)
Started the scifi show Fringe again. (HBO Max)
Also started The Blacklist which neither of us had watched when it was first out. (Netflix)
I have the full DVD series for Justified and Breaking Bad as well as Band of Brothers. I watch all three almost every year. Sometimes I'll power-watch over 3 nights for a series or else, I'll create my own "weekly" programming of 3 or 4 episodes at a time. Amazing how much you can watch when you don't have to watch 20 minutes+ of commercials.
I finally did it. I watched Metropolis, the 1927 movie.

This is supposed to be one of those movies you have to see. I will say it is important and helps explain a lot of things that came later in cinema, but you don't have to see it. You will be fine without watching this. I still say you should give it a shot if you can deal with silent movie inter-titles.

If you do watch it, you will see exactly where CP3O from Star Wars came. You will see a lot of grand scenes with hundreds or thousands of extras running around. You will be amazed at the special effects for the day and understand the inspiration for the SFX that followed. You will see immediately the impact on films that shortly followed, like Frankenstein and Wizard of Oz.

The story is a mess and mash up of political commentary and religion. The reasons to get from A to B to C are a bit sketchy. One would say today: "The screenwriter needs to tighten this up."

Apparently, many tried and the original 153 minutes were cut down to as little as 87 minutes in one version. In 2010, they found lost footage and have made a version of about 143 minutes. This version is playing on Tubi. You want to watch this version. Another version of 118 minutes is playing on PlutoTV or Roku Channel. The Tubi version is very clean and easy to watch. The lost scenes are grainy and scratchy -- they did their best. Don't be alarmed when the quality changes. It is not a flashback or anything. I found the PlutoTV version impossible to watch as it appears to a non-restored version captured from VHS. The Roku Channel version is the same as PlutoTV, but cleaner. This version supposedly is the cut seen in America when first released. It leaves out a portion of the story. I think it is best to watch the original as the director intended, plus the Tubi version is restored and crystal clear (mostly). The only problem with the Tubi version is the soundtrack does not include one of the official scores (the music is probably still copyrighted), so instead they play this jazz trio loop. Turn it off. Watch it silent.

Finally, I will say the lead actress in this movie is excellent. She plays a very difficult role where she gets "cloned". So there are two of her. The makeup artist gives us clues as her makeup is different, but she uses facial expressions and actions that clearly keep us in the loop to understand which version we're watching. You can see this on the Tubi version, but not the other versions because the quality is too low. She is a Madonna-like figure. We're supposed to fall in love with her, and we do. Well done.
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Finished ripping 1963 The Fugitive from DVD and started watching it this week on iPad Mini, one episode before going to sleep at bedside. Started out slow and wasn't sure if I would like it or not but I was born in 1957 and the scenes are current from my childhood which is fun. I'm now getting into it, I like the QM (Quinn Martin) influence and remember the acts and epilogue format from The FBI which I intend to watch after I finish the 120 episodes of The Fugitive. The cool thing is old TV shows on DVD can be had from eBay and Amazon for relatively cheap prices these days as nobody watches DVD anymore (at least not very many people, that is). Ripping them to m4v or other format is easy and VLC on iOS works well (Android version doesn't have wireless download as I recall).
I finally did it. I watched Metropolis, the 1927 movie.

This is supposed to be one of those movies you have to see. I will say it is important and helps explain a lot of things that came later in cinema, but you don't have to see it. You will be fine without watching this. I still say you should give it a shot if you can deal with silent movie inter-titles.

This one has been on my "I really should watch this someday" list for decades now. I'm kind of put off by the length. I don't have a problem watching silent films.

The Tubi version is very clean and easy to watch. The lost scenes are grainy and scratchy -- they did their best. Don't be alarmed when the quality changes. It is not a flashback or anything. I think it is best to watch the original as the director intended, plus the Tubi version is restored and crystal clear (mostly). The only problem with the Tubi version is the soundtrack does not include one of the official scores (the music is probably still copyrighted), so instead they play this jazz trio loop. Turn it off. Watch it silent.

I'm surprised and pleased that there are so many classic movies on Tubi, and pretty good picture quality all things considered.
This one has been on my "I really should watch this someday" list for decades now. I'm kind of put off by the length. I don't have a problem watching silent films.
Yeah, it is why it took me so long too.

I found it to be fairly compelling and mostly kept my interest. The visuals at the beginning are outstanding and very unique. The drudgery of labor is conveyed in some very unique ways, as is the second protagonist's nightmare vision. It makes for a great start. And frankly, those first 15 minutes are worth it alone.

If it helps, the movie is split into 3 so you can decide to view it as such. At about minute 60, a title card comes up and says "End of Prelude." That's as good of a place as any to take a break. The next 90 minutes are split in half with "Intermezzo" and "Furioso", so you can break there too.

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