CDC has approved 4th vaccine dose for some people

I have 2 friends that are 76 and 78 that have had 3 vaccines with the last one in October. Both recently got Covid and only felt like they had a mild cold despite being immune compromised. That seems to indicate that the vaccines are doing their job.

That's encouraging. My booster was in October and I want to wait until July for 2nd booster.
I forgot about the woman in my building who is 90 and had the same experience.
My sister’s MIL had a 4th jab this year as she is clinically vulnerable, age 77, COPD, diabetes, among other stuff. She is in hospital, had major surgery, and was due to be released to a nursing home a couple of days ago for rehab before going back to her assisted living community. Routine Covid test before discharge and it shows positive, so she has to stay in hospital until clear, with no visitors. Zero symptoms. She was one of the family we were most concerned about.

If we are offered another booster in the Fall, which looks like they will for over 65s, then we will be happy to take it.
Alan, GenX, anetham, thanks for your explanations. Maybe what I read was for younger people, there isn't much difference with the second booster? And maybe that's why they're not administering the 2nd booster to younger people and only administering it to older folks (50+, 60+ or 70+ depending upon where you live)?

BTW, I felt sick and achy on the first day of my 4th shot (Moderna). I felt OK the next day but slept over 8 hours straight that night (last night) which is unusually long, so the shot must be still affecting me. Today is the 3rd day and I hope the side effects are all gone.
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We had our 2nd boosters this week. No reactions except my shot arm felt a little sore when I was moving it doing Qi Gong exercises. We have tickets for a couple of concerts next month. They are outdoors but venues with big crowds, so we thought it was a good time to get the boosters now. Infection rates are going up in our area again.
I was going to say I had no reaction to 2nd booster but 2 days out I had my upper lip swell to many times its normal size. Coincidence? IDK never happened before. It is still numb but seems to be shrinking closer to normal size. It looks like it can happen due to allergies or any vaccine or IDK. Nothing unusual happened to me in the past couple of days otherwise and I was in my own house. Took an allergy medicine just in case.
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First booster end of October 2021. Just scheduled the 2nd booster for 6/6/2022 because we will be traveling to South Texas in July and want to be optimally protected (very few people using any sort of Covid precautions in the LoneStar state (or any of the states between us and Texas).
I got my 4th today (Moderna). Pfizer-Pfizer-Moderna-Moderna. I'm achy and have chills and a slight fever. I guess it could be worse. Just took a Tylenol.

Just got my 4th Pfizer yesterday. Same symptoms, plus waking up at 2:30 am and not being able to get back to sleep. Took some aspirin. I hope this is gone in a day, as I just feel like collapsing on the couch.
My 4th dose, where I switched from Pfizer to Moderna, I had extreme fatigue the next day with a bit of achy feeling in the morning. I slept a lot that day, and took it very easy for a couple of days. This was the first time I’d experienced downtime from the vaccine. DH on the other hand didn’t feel anything whereas he’d had reactions to the early ones.
I had my 4th vax yesterday (about 36 hours ago). I had two Pfizers, a Moderna (in early November) and yesterday a Pfizer.

Wow has it laid me out, much more than the other three vaccinations. I started out achy in my finger joints, then a slight headache, then by the middle of the night intense aches all over and a fever and chills. Today my armpit swelled up quite a bit.

I am hopeful by tomorrow I will be back in action.
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We got our 4th Pfizer last Friday. No reaction - same as the first three. We also caught Covid in late December and recovered, so I have to think that we are as protected as is currently possible.
I got my 4th Moderna last week. The shot itself was painless and I felt fine all day but the next morning my arm hurt for the next two days. I didn't feel ill, just pain in the area of the shot, especially if I rolled onto it when sleeping. I'm glad it's done, I'd been stalling for ages and Kaiser was e-mailing me constantly to make an appointment.
I had my 4th vax yesterday (about 36 hours ago). I had two Pfizers, a Moderna (in early November) and yesterday a Pfizer.

Wow has it laid me out, much more than the other three vaccinations. I started out achy in my finger joints, then a slight headache, then by the middle of the night intense aches all over and a fever and chills. Today my armpit swelled up quite a bit.

I am hopeful by tomorrow I will be back in action.

Maybe that Pfizer shot was annoyed that you slipped in a Moderna along the way :)

The mixed vaccine trial my wife and I participated in included Pfizer followed by Moderna and the side effects reported were no worse than 2 x Pfizer so I guess you have just been unlucky.

Get well soon :flowers:
I went Moderna after 3 Pfizer shots in April.

Sore arm, not as bad as the third Pfizer.
It depends if you consider living instead of dying, staying out of the hospital, or being more likely to avoid long COVID as a benefit. There's a lot of misinformation out there. I was 6 months out from my booster with protection waning when I got my second booster that allowed my immune system to build up more protection. The benefit would be better if the vaccine was reformulated for the current strains that are circulating, but it still offers some protection against BA.2.

I don't know any real correlation between long Covid and repeated boosters. If there is a study I'm happy to read it. People do want to believe that repeated boosters continue to offer more protection, it's the degree of protection for each individual that's in question.
Maybe that Pfizer shot was annoyed that you slipped in a Moderna along the way :)

The mixed vaccine trial my wife and I participated in included Pfizer followed by Moderna and the side effects reported were no worse than 2 x Pfizer so I guess you have just been unlucky.

Get well soon :flowers:

Thanks, Alan! I'm feeling better today except the lymph node in my armpit is still very swollen. I'm glad I know it's a common side effect or I would be a bit freaked out by it.

What's strange is the injection site didn't really hurt, the last three times it was quite sore.

We are still trying to decide whether to do the month long New England trip in September. We have people flying in from Nashville to stay at our house. If we decide not to go to New England we will do a month long road trip camping and VRBOing in the western part of the country. Hopefully this new variant will die down a bit by September.
Thanks, Alan! I'm feeling better today except the lymph node in my armpit is still very swollen. I'm glad I know it's a common side effect or I would be a bit freaked out by it.

What's strange is the injection site didn't really hurt, the last three times it was quite sore.

We are still trying to decide whether to do the month long New England trip in September. We have people flying in from Nashville to stay at our house. If we decide not to go to New England we will do a month long road trip camping and VRBOing in the western part of the country. Hopefully this new variant will die down a bit by September.

We’ve had 4 different vaccines and it was only the Novavax that had zero after effects including around the injection site. For our daily diary we were supposed to put a circular template centered on the injection site and record how many millimeters out were there signs of redness or swelling. By the time we got home we neither of us could even find the injection site let alone experience any soreness, redness or swelling.

The UK has approved another round of vaccines for the vulnerable, including everyone over 50, healthcare workers etc. They expect a surge over the winter so will be offering the shots in the Fall, as well as a flu shot.
We’ve had 4 different vaccines and it was only the Novavax that had zero after effects including around the injection site. For our daily diary we were supposed to put a circular template centered on the injection site and record how many millimeters out were there signs of redness or swelling. By the time we got home we neither of us could even find the injection site let alone experience any soreness, redness or swelling.

The UK has approved another round of vaccines for the vulnerable, including everyone over 50, healthcare workers etc. They expect a surge over the winter so will be offering the shots in the Fall, as well as a flu shot.

Novavax has the least side effects, being a traditional vaccine similar to the flu and hepa vaccines, and better for Omicron. Novavax said it could start to be available next week.
Novavax has the least side effects, being a traditional vaccine similar to the flu and hepa vaccines, and better for Omicron. Novavax said it could start to be available next week.
Has it been established in any studies that the Novavax vaccine generally has "the least side effects" relative to other Covid vaccines?

Novavax has one very different ingredient compared to flu and hepatitis vaccines, and other Covid vaccines, too. It contains an adjuvant containing saponin extracts derived from a Chilean plant. The only other human vaccine which used an adjuvant derived from that same plant is Shingrix, which is notable for a greater likelihood of severe side effects compared to other vaccines.

Novavax Fact Sheet from the FDA:

"Do not administer the Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine, Adjuvanted to individuals with a known history of a severe allergic reaction (e.g., anaphylaxis) to any component of the Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine, Adjuvanted"

Since I had a severe allergic reaction to my only Shingrix shot which required prompt medical treatment, I cannot get the Novavax vaccine. (I had minor side effects from 3 Pfizer and 1 Moderna shot.)

Novavax data that I'm aware of concerning responses to Omicron and its subvariants were in vitro studies, not human studies. According to the FDA website, clinical data for Novavax came from a study conducted before the emergence of not just Omicron, but Delta, too. moderate or,the vaccine was 78.6% effective.

"No cases of moderate or severe COVID-19 were reported in participants who received the vaccine, compared with 9 cases of moderate COVID-19 and 4 cases of severe COVID-19 reported in placebo recipients. In the subset of participants 65 years of age and older, the vaccine was 78.6% effective. The clinical trial was conducted prior to the emergence of delta and omicron variants."
My husband and I received our second booster in mid May. End of June my daughter became sick with Covid and our son tested positive but was asymptomatic. Both stayed masked unless they were in their rooms and spent very little time in common rooms. Neither of us tested positive or had any symptoms. I think we were lucky that we were just about six/seven weeks from the booster and at our highest antibody level.
Having them mask and otherwise stay in their rooms probably didn't hurt.
Having them mask and otherwise stay in their rooms probably didn't hurt.

Yes, the masks definitely helped. My daughter pretty much stayed in her room the first five days and stayed masked until she tested negative. She was very concerned about getting her dad sick since he has bad lungs.
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I had my second booster in early Nov 2021, so I thought I was considered "up to date" on my COVID vaccinations. Then I read this earlier today:

“If you have not gotten a vaccine shot in the year 2022, if you have not gotten one this year, please go get another vaccine shot,” response coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha said Tuesday. “It could save your life."

And then I saw this later today:

Bookmarked video:

Then I went to the CDC site, answered their questions, and it came back with:
You are up to date with your COVID-19 vaccines. At this time, you are not eligible for additional doses.

Amazing. No wonder so many people are confused from misinformation.
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I had my second booster in early Nov 2021, so I thought I was considered "up to date" on my COVID vaccinations. Then I read this earlier today:

“If you have not gotten a vaccine shot in the year 2022, if you have not gotten one this year, please go get another vaccine shot,” response coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha said Tuesday. “It could save your life."

And then I saw this later today:

Bookmarked video:

Then I went to the CDC site, answered their questions, and it came back with:

Amazing. No wonder so many people are confused from misinformation.

I guess we're still playing it by ear low these 2 years later. YMMV
A friend of mine who has leukemia and is on chemo just got her 5th shot of Pfizer. She said there has been FDA approval for a 5th shot for people with certain kinds of cancer. But she had trouble finding a pharmacy to give her the 5th shot, her doctor finally found her a place to get the shot.

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