Breast cancer


Moderator Emeritus
Jan 11, 2007
New Orleans
Just found out that I have a "T4b" breast tumor. My doctor says I need a bunch of imaging so they can tell what is happening. So, I'm starting out with a mammogram on Thursday, then ultrasound, then biopsy, etc etc. The overall outlook doesn't look encouraging, but then I'm 76 years old so I suppose eventually this sort of thing would start happening. Hopefully I'll continue on as usual for a good number of years, as the happiest retiree ever. Right now it's too soon to know what's going on. Who knows? Maybe something, maybe nothing. 🙂
I'm sorry that you're having to deal with this, W2R.
As "happiest retiree ever"a positive outlook can only help.
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Sorry to hear this, W2R. Sending lots of positive vibes. As others have said, your positive outlook should help you beat this.
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Hopefully it turns out to be a nothing. Sending you good thoughts.

BTW, I have a nasty painful lump which you can palpate, but a bunch of mammogram, ultrasound and MRI didn't show anything. I had a nasty golf cart accident which broke 5 ribs into multiple segments, perforated lung and larcerated liver, and the conclusion was that it was "just" scar tissue.
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Best of luck with your tests and treatment. It's important to remember that everyone's cancer is individual, so I don't think there is much value in looking at averages. You're your own person and you'll deal with it your own way, probably successfully if I know you.
Hopefully it turns out to be a nothing. Sending you good thoughts.

BTW, I have a nasty painfuly lump which you can palpate, but a bunch of mammogram, ultrasound and MRI didn't show anything. I had a nasty golf cart accident which broke 5 ribs into multiple segments, perforated lung and larcerated liver, and the conclusion was that it was "just" scar tissue.
That's encouraging! I am very clumsy and might have injured it somehow without noticing (yes, I do that sometimes). Mine is ugly, red, and big as a baseball, but not especially painful. Guess the imaging results will tell us more. I'm glad they could fit me in on Thursday. Thanks.
Yup, hang in there and stay positive. None of us like unknowns, and it sounds like Thursday you'll know a bunch more.
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Just found out that I have a "T4b" breast tumor. My doctor says I need a bunch of imaging so they can tell what is happening. So, I'm starting out with a mammogram on Thursday, then ultrasound, then biopsy, etc etc. The overall outlook doesn't look encouraging, but then I'm 76 years old so I suppose eventually this sort of thing would start happening. Hopefully I'll continue on as usual for a good number of years, as the happiest retiree ever. Right now it's too soon to know what's going on. Who knows? Maybe something, maybe nothing. 🙂
Oh dang, so sorry to hear that... Hopefully it will be something small and easily treatable.

My wife's family has a history of breast cancer, and she has had a number of cysts over the years. So cancer is always a big concern of ours. Thankfully her mammogram just came back negative a couple days ago.

Take care!
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Oh I'm so sorry that this is happening to you. It's always so scary to get a cancer diagnosis. Thinking of you - know that many of us here are rooting for you!
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Right now it's too soon to know what's going on. Who knows? Maybe something, maybe nothing. 🙂
Sorry to hear this! Hang in there, start reading, and learn all you can as it will help you make informed decisions moving forward. I imagine there will be many.
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Wishing you the best.
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You're in my thoughts. I know you'll handle this well. Hopefully there will be a treatment that doesn't suck.
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Sending lots of positive energy and light for a good outcome.
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DW was diagnosed about 8 years ago. Had surgery and is doing well. As has been said, this is very specific to each person. The most important thing I’ve found in dealing with mine and DW’s health issues is the old saying - one day at a time. You can only deal with what’s known and, as you said, you don’t know yet. As hard as it is, try to calm your mind and wait for the information to come in before you react.

Know that there are many here wishing you well. Mine and DW’s thoughts are with you.
You got this you're gonna do fine. Besides you have to stay around to help deplete DFAS funds ;)
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