Daily WORDLE - 2022

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I *DID* get stuck going down the rabbit hole, with more choices than guesses left. My first ever miss.

Wordle 265 X/6*

I *DID* get stuck going down the rabbit hole, with more choices than guesses left. My first ever miss.

Wordle 265 X/6*


Yep. I got lucky. You didn't. There were WAY too many choices, and if you are in hard mode (as you were, Out-to-Lunch), it becomes a matter of luck.
Wordle 265 4/6*

I'm not sure what "Hard Mode" is all about.

If it's "only use words that contain the letters you already got right," that is how I have always played.

Also, I would say Luck makes up at least 25% of my best scores.
My first failure today. Hard Mode doesn't allow much weeding out of possibilities and just too many potential correct words today. :O(

But, I will stand tall tomorrow and start anew. :O)

cd :O)
Wordle 265 4/6*

Wordle 266 3/6


The second word is where the skill comes in!
Should have been 4 :(

Wordle 266 5/6

Wordle 266 4/6*

Wordle 266 4/6

Wordle 266 3/6

I like the four-line ones. They are more fun than getting the answer right away.
I took a lot of timing coming up with even one word that fit the hints on the 3rd try:

Wordle 266 3/6*

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