Do you still have dreams about work?

I have been retired five years now and at least once a week I have a dream about some former job. Not really nightmares, they vary. Sometimes the people are real people I worked with, sometimes composites. I don't miss work at all and don't really think about it very much any more so I am surprised. Am I the only one?
Great timing! I was just talking with a friend that is retiring about this.

I still have very recurring dreams (15 years later) of my last job (before I left to start my own business) where I'm basically SUPER checked-out, have no idea what's going on, and don't really care. LOL!

Once in a while there are a few differences, like:
  • I'm still getting paid even though I'm not really doing in to work, and only come into the office for an hour once every few months.
  • or, I didn't realize I was still employed there, but then come in and there are expectations on deliverables, and I'm like "wait, what?!?"
  • or, I've been working on/off with the company, they owe me some $$$, but then I think the hassle of figuring out how much they owe me isn't really worth the little work I've done, and so I just walk.
In EVERY case, the underlying feelings I have are: "Why am I even working here at all? I have enough money from savings, investments, and income from my business where I couldn't care less!"
I still do have periodic recurring work dreams, usually either about leaving one particularly bad job or going back to working again for one I liked, but they're pretty boring. The ones I have more often involve airplanes and are almost always stressful. These range from just getting an upgrade, to not being sure when my flight is and where to find a ticket counter, to my favorite, flying from airport 1 to airport 2 while worrying because I left my car at airport 3, and I don't know how to get home and / or get my car back.
Not about work, but my wife used to have a recurring dream about high school. That dream reccurred frequently for about 30 years. Then she spoke to someone who was trained on interpreting dreams who explained its meaning.

My wife has not had that dream since getting that explanation.
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No. The dumb work dreams finally stopped 4 years after retirement.

Now I have dreams about upcoming big travel trips.

Last night I had a dream that I arrived overseas with no luggage and no passport. How could I be so careless? (Let alone, how could I get through customs?)

When I woke up, I realized it was a different version of the "blowing off classes and going to final exams unprepared"!

Same thing, you know? Big trip landing overseas, but I knowingly blew off all the preparations.
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