Stocks discouraged me this week


Full time employment: Posting here.
May 2, 2019
Ok not demoralizing - stocks go up and down.

But geez. Most of my 'core'.....

General Motors
Coca Cola

With exception of PG the others - are down after great announcements.

But the ribeye lunch I just made - was spectacular.

So there's that.
Individual stocks and earnings, so let’s move this to the stock forum.
I haven't checked them all. I did check MCD. As good as their results were, PE is still over 30, dividend is a paltry 2%, and the shares are at all-time high. Seems like the good results were expected and shares probably need to take a little break.
Pepsi rocked it today.
Unfortunately UPS dropped like a rock. But it allowed me to close my covered calls early.
GOOG, MSFT, V, MA all rallying after hours on earnings news.
MasterCard rallying on Visa's news.

Also PEP.

But I think the near term trend is down with recession and debt ceiling concerns replacing Fed pause expectations.
Well, the market is going back into "the sky is falling" mode. Everything other than a handful of defensive stocks went down.

I managed to make $548 selling call options on a few stocks that lingered in the green. That's less than 1/100 of the total loss of the portfolio.
Hang in there… My AA is 100% equities (excluding rentals) and agree that it’s been a mostly frustrating ride for the past 16 months.

Corporate earnings have been fairly solid and I believe large institutions are just enjoying getting some great buys before the bull market takes off the back half of this year and into 2024.
I just checked, and I still have more than I did the day I retired (11/9/2009). So there's that. :)

Investments go up and down, as you pointed out. It's their nature.

Glad you enjoyed the ribeye! Sure beats Mickey-D's. :D
Yeah, we have three times our net worth from when I retired, more than twice the investable assets. Still getting lots of dividends and interest along with my small pension and social security. DW will start social security in three years.
Yeah, we have three times our net worth from when I retired, more than twice the investable assets. Still getting lots of dividends and interest along with my small pension and social security. DW will start social security in three years.

Do you have 3x your initial retirement NW due to a low WR, stock market performed better than expected, or something else? I ask because many people I know say the stock market has performed better than expected.
Do you have 3x your initial retirement NW due to a low WR, stock market performed better than expected, or something else? I ask because many people I know say the stock market has performed better than expected.

We had some individual stocks that performed very well over the past twenty years, ten of which I was retired.
Yeah, we have three times our net worth from when I retired, more than twice the investable assets. Still getting lots of dividends and interest along with my small pension and social security. DW will start social security in three years.

+1. We started with $x 18 years ago.

Over those years, we've withdrawn that same $x but never sold a share (except rebalancing)...just the dividends.

We now have $2x.

Mr Market has been good.
It is all about the long haul. Looking short term can be discouraging. I haven't quite doubled in 7 years since I ER with the portfolio but have doubled in NW.

Like W2R said, I have more today than what I had the day I retired.
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I am currently at 70% stock AA, and it's dropping.

When do I go into "buy, buy, buy" mode? Heh heh heh...

The S&P is at 4072 today. Will the S&P revisit the Oct 2022 low of 3577? Still quite a bit higher than that Oct low. It has to drop 12% from here.

It's never easy to tell, is it?
I own no individual stocks. Haven't for many years. Just index funds/ETF's.
I am currently at 70% stock AA, and it's dropping.

When do I go into "buy, buy, buy" mode? Heh heh heh...

The S&P is at 4072 today. Will the S&P revisit the Oct 2022 low of 3577? Still quite a bit higher than that Oct low. It has to drop 12% from here.

It's never easy to tell, is it?

The only buying I do these days is in my Roth where I reinvest dividends and interest, and the cash from selling covered calls and occasional puts.
I'm just about to the point where I follow the market about as much as I follow the news theses day, which isn't much. Out of habit I do listen to CNBC every morning until Becky Quick (be still my heart) goes off the air.
The only buying I do these days is in my Roth where I reinvest dividends and interest, and the cash from selling covered calls and occasional puts.

I was joking about "buy, buy, buy". :) Too hard to do.

When the market goes up good, I like to sell OTM covered calls on my hot stocks. When the market goes down, I look to sell OTM puts on my worse stocks, if I still believe in them. And I have had quite a few puts getting assigned when these stocks dropped more than I thought. Hence, my stock AA went from 60% to 70%.

I still write puts, but much more sparingly now. I like to write calls a lot more, and my ratio of calls to puts is about 2:1. But the market going so limp does not give me many chances to write calls. :)
Ok not demoralizing - stocks go up and down.

But geez. Most of my 'core'.....


General Motors

Coca Cola



With exception of PG the others - are down after great announcements.

But the ribeye lunch I just made - was spectacular.

So there's that.

Rather odd collection for a core holding group in 2023, very old school.

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