Plan for Exit 2024

Thanks, Standard Staples
Yes, we are considering Trust also to hold RE and may be cars, but not clear on insurance impact, did you get any issues or additional costs, I am still researching it as our agent can not give straight answer.
Q2 2024 update

- We finished Q2 at $2,794k, 93.1% of the original (low) target, green quarter with +$46k and that is very mild results, although I am still happy that it is our all time high with sizable YTD gain.

-End of Q2 2024 was our original target date to FIRE, but we missed even low target, so a little bit sad but we saw that coming are chugging along

- Cash position is red, as all available money now parked at Vanguard taxable, their Federal MM fund has 7days SEC yield as of 06/28/2024 sits 5.29%. Saving account is zero. Negative number is from one credit card where we just float balance at 0% till January 2025.

- My HCE status was removed and now I contribute to 401k with target to max it out this year.

-HSAs balances are getting rather large and I started to questions if it is worth to continue to contribute to them. Created separate topic for that discussion as I am trying to come up with a plan on how to deal with such "problem". Here is a link if anyone interested Overfunding of HSA

- We gradually increasing our travel, this year we already went for a month to the HHI, may go to Chicago for couple days in July, booked trip to the London, UK in August/September and one more booking in December to the Playa del Carmen, MX. Testing FIRE waters as we plan to travel a lot more as soon as we stop working. But right now as we both work remote we are trying to do much more than just normal vacation travel.

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Actuals without RE vs High and Low targets.

Below Low target and missed original FIRE date by 2-3 quarters based on linear projection.

Below High target still by a lot. Now it is our main target to achieve we are tentatively looking to the end of 2025 but need markets to cooperate.

Thanks, Standard Staples
Yes, we are considering Trust also to hold RE and may be cars, but not clear on insurance impact, did you get any issues or additional costs, I am still researching it as our agent can not give straight answer.
No extra costs on this side - and I'm not a lawyer, but I'm surprised they would consider charging you more for assigning assets to potentially go to a trust. We just had to update the beneficiaries to be Spouse primary and Trust secondary.
No extra costs on this side - and I'm not a lawyer, but I'm surprised they would consider charging you more for assigning assets to potentially go to a trust. We just had to update the beneficiaries to be Spouse primary and Trust secondary.
Ah, I see , you did not move assets directly to your trust.

I was thinking to change deeds to the trust and possibly car titles also. Non of those are allowed any beneficiary designations.
I am not concerned about accounts, all have beneficiary designation for Spouse as primary and Child as secondary now.
Exception is - it does not allow secondary beneficiary, will cash all out as soon as we leave workforce as there a lot of accumulated over the years interest .
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