Breast cancer

Early appointments are definitely more likely to be on time. The only thing worse than doing an uncomfortable medical procedure is having to wait for it in a room full of strangers.

Then go home, have some hot tea or coffee and treat yourself to some comfort food.
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When I went through this with my cancer diagnosis, I wondered why the need for MRI and CAT scans if a biopsy is required for a diagnosis of malignancy. Why not just get the biopsy first anyway? Turns out I could have done exactly that had I just asked for a referral to a surgeon instead of the long way which is to have the primary care doc order tests before being referred to a surgeon.
You have the right to advocate for yourself and as long as you have the cognitive abilities to do so, ask questions when things don't seem to make sense.
Biopsy tomorrow at 7:15 AM (groan!). That was the only appointment they had available for the next month, oh well. My guess is that I'll probably be sleeping for a long time once I get home. :2funny:
Such an early appointment is a tough (but I imagine welcome!) tradeoff for getting in so quickly for the biopsy--I seem to remember you have not used an alarm clock in quite some time! Would you like a wake-up call from all of us? ⏰
When I went through this with my cancer diagnosis, I wondered why the need for MRI and CAT scans if a biopsy is required for a diagnosis of malignancy. Why not just get the biopsy first anyway? Turns out I could have done exactly that had I just asked for a referral to a surgeon instead of the long way which is to have the primary care doc order tests before being referred to a surgeon.
You have the right to advocate for yourself and as long as you have the cognitive abilities to do so, ask questions when things don't seem to make sense.
The scans serve other purposes than diagnoses though. They show the exact size and location of a growth, which aids in performing the biopsy, where to stick the needle, and are helpful to set a baseline, in case the biospy shows a benign growth and the prognosis is to watch and wait.

But absolutely do things in tandem if you can. Some cancers and some surgeons are going to want a scan before they let you book an appointment.
Yeah that early time is rough, ugh! But, as everyone said, it's much more likely they'll be on time and you'll get it over with as quickly as possible. Then it's time to go home, put your feet up, and give yourself some TLC!

Sending positive energy for a smooth procedure!
I always get the earliest time of day possible for any medical appointment. Since they are stressful in any case, I want to get them over with as soon as I can.
And there is almost always a decent coffee shop in the neighborhood to bring me back to some semblance of normality!
Early appointments are definitely more likely to be on time. The only thing worse than doing an uncomfortable medical procedure is having to wait for it in a room full of strangers.

Then go home, have some hot tea or coffee and treat yourself to some comfort food.
Last year when I had a biopsy on my bladder they said to be at the hospital by 10:00 AM so when I got there they prepped me and put me in a side room. I asked what the estimated time was for my biopsy and they told me 1:30 PM. It was closer to 2:30 before they wheeled me into OR. The crazy thing was that the Dr doing the procedure had office appointments until noon. No rhyme or reason for some of their scheduling.
W2R, I'm just reading all of this and, dang, I'm sorry you're having to spend your time on this but I am rooting for you as you consult with your doctors and decide how you want to proceed. You are loved in this community and we're all behind you. I admire and cheer you on in your optimism. And yes, life is good even in the midst of the parts that suck. Sending a hu
OK, it's over (yay!). It actually wasn't very painful or uncomfortable at all, not nearly as bad as I expected anyway. I'm home in my recliner now, feet up and giving myself lots of TLC as simplegirl recommended! Frank brought me an ice pack, Tylenol, and so on, to use if/when needed. It did start hurting a teeny bit after I got home, but rest and Tylenol took care of that for the most part. Frank is going to bring us grilled chicken po'boys with homemade onion rings, which sounds great to me. (Did I mention that he's my hero? Oh that's right, maybe once or twice. :2funny:) Anyway I'm not doing anything for the rest of today and maybe tomorrow, too.

OK, one more step done! I have no idea what's next, and won't for a while. I have an appointment with my PCP for tomorrow morning but he won't get the results from today's biopsy for 5-7 days. Probably the next step is to see the oncologist once the biopsy results are available. Meanwhile, I decided that Task One for me is to rest, unwind, and enjoy the down time! :biggrin:
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That sounds like just about the best report possible from you today, W2R. And the chicken po'boys with homemade onion rings sounds like the perfect recovery medication! Take care!
So glad that it’s over and you are feeling ok now. Enjoy a restful afternoon and a tasty meal. You are wise to take it one step at a time.
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OK, it's over (yay!). It actually wasn't very painful or uncomfortable at all, not nearly as bad as I expected anyway. I'm home in my recliner now, feet up and giving myself lots of TLC as simplegirl recommended! Frank brought me an ice pack, Tylenol, and so on, to use if/when needed. It did start hurting a teeny bit after I got home, but rest and Tylenol took care of that for the most part. Frank is going to bring us grilled chicken po'boys with homemade onion rings, which sounds great to me. (Did I mention that he's my hero? Oh that's right, maybe once or twice. :2funny:) Anyway I'm not doing anything for the rest of today and maybe tomorrow, too.

OK, one more step done! I have no idea what's next, and won't for a while. I have an appointment with my PCP for tomorrow morning but he won't get the results from today's biopsy for 5-7 days. Probably the next step is to see the oncologist once the biopsy results are available. Meanwhile, I decided that Task One for me is to rest, unwind, and enjoy the down time! :biggrin:
Glad you're home and resting. You may prefer to wait on getting the results when you next see your Dr but I was able to go through the online patient portal with the hospital and get the results the next day or two. In my case when the report read 'low grade carcinoma' it eased my anxiety a bit. But it could work the other way and increase anxiety. So it might be best just to rest and wait for your appt.
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Glad you're home and resting. You may prefer to wait on getting the results when you next see your Dr but I was able to go through the online patient portal with the hospital and get the results the next day or two. In my case when the report read 'low grade carcinoma' it eased my anxiety a bit. But it could work the other way and increase anxiety. So it might be best just to rest and wait for your appt.
I think I'll wait, because that way my PCP can explain everything to me and make sure I understand what the results imply. But thanks for the idea! I might do that some other time.
I hope it went well this morning. And I hope the results are good.
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Yay for the biopsy being behind you, yay for Frank and yay for Po Boys!!! Relish your down time today and tomorrow and know you have a big fan club in this with you.
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I am a lurker but today I am posting to tell you how important you have been to me over the years. W2R I have read almost everything you post. I joined back when you were dreaming of retirement and you always have been so encouraging. I have learned so much from you and really appreciate your words of wisdom.
I also wanted to say I had breast cancer and now am 5 years cancer free. I believe your upbeat attitude will be a huge asset.
Will continue to follow your posts
I have always enjoyed your posts and look forward to many more in the future.
Wishing you all the best in fighting and beating this cancer.
Take care.
W2R, glad that this part is behind you at least and it wasn't as bad as you were expecting. Sounds like you're now getting the best in TLC!

As for the pros and cons of early morning scheduling for healthcare procedures, my most recent surgery on my esophagus (POEM procedure) wasn't until 3 PM and checkin was 1:30 PM. Okay, so I'm taken quickly into pre-op ready to go and then I waited and waited. Hours went by, other patients were taken, the staff dwindled and then it was 5 PM and I was the only patient left! I will say that the doctor had come around 4 or so to say there was a delay due to problems with another patient. I was fully expecting them to cancel but then I was taken and everything went fine. In the future, I'll always make a point of trying for earlier if possible!
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I think I'll wait, because that way my PCP can explain everything to me and make sure I understand what the results imply. But thanks for the idea! I might do that some other time.

Smart. That waiting was always the hardest part for me! I had to come up with mantras to help myself deal with the anxiety. One of the most helpful for me was "What will be will be. For now, I'm not letting cancer steal any more joy from my life by worrying about the unknown."

I had to repeat it to myself a lot but it did help ground me. Perhaps you would find something similar helpful, or maybe you aren't a worrier like my lucky husband is! 😁

P.S. I also made a sound recording of all appointments because often it was confusing and overwhelming information to take in. It helped me to be able to listen to what my docs said a second time.

Enjoy your po'boys and feet-up relaxation time! Grateful for Frank! My husband was my rock through treatment.
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Your Frank is certainly a keeper!
Best wishes to you, rest and take care.
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