Breast cancer

Got the mammogram and ultrasound done today. The results were awful, definitely not encouraging, although as many of you have mentioned we are still in the information gathering stage. Next step is the biopsy, so I called my doctor to find out what surgeon to get for that. The lab said they had a doctor there who could do it if need be. Or, my doctor works at our nearby hospital which is connected live to MD Anderson in Houston, via the internet.

Physically I'm feeling reasonably good today. OK, I admit I'm utterly exhausted at the moment, but then I had to set the alarm 3 hours early to get to my lab appointments on time. But otherwise, I'm fine. Just had lunch and plan to either nap or play my video game this afternoon.
Whenever a cancer or other health scare comes along, the initial reaction is usually the worst - only natural when you're all questions and no/few answers (I know you're analytical like many here). As you learn more, good or bad, you will feel better knowing what your options are. I am going through something similar now as well.

We're all pulling for you as you know...:angel:
Sorry to hear about this. Waiting for the biopsy result is very trying. (I've been there.) Try to distract yourself with whatever you can occupy yourself with. I am wishing you the best outcome.
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Just seeing this. Best of luck to you. My mom had breast cancer and she lived until 95. All cases are different obviously but hopefully your case is manageable if not fixable.
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We are all rooting for you W2R. You are one of the most beloved posters. You will beat it.
Plus you promised me/us that you would break the record for oldest woman on record.
+2 Hang in there W2R and well keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
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Please stay positive as much as you can. We are all hoping for positive breaking news for you. Wishing you the best possible outcome.
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Today my doctor's office called me and said he wanted to consult with me ASAP. So we went in around 10 AM. He had received and carefully examined the reports from my mammogram and ultrasound, and he explained everything to me (metastatic breast cancer, pretty far along) and laid out a plan. He gave me the name of a good surgeon to do the biopsy, and also the name of a top local oncologist to oversee my cancer treatments. Both were supposed to call me today and set up appointments, but neither did so I napped all day by the phone which did me a lot of good. I'll have to spend Monday trying to contact their offices and set up appointments. Hopefully I'll be able to report some progress in this soon! 🙂 And as you all know, I'm not one to give up on myself. Frank's support has been terrific; what a man! Yes he has always impressed me with his strength and courage.

Life is good, as always. :flowers:
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May the One who was a source of blessing for our ancestors, bring blessings of healing upon W2R a healing of body and a healing of spirit. May those in whose care they are entrusted, be gifted with wisdom and skill, and those who surround them, be gifted with love and trust, openness and support in their care. And may they be healed along with all those who are in need. Blessed are You, Source of healing.
Thank you for keeping us updated. I think many of us are keeping you in our thoughts. Hopefully you will have a treatment plan soon; it sounds like your doctors are moving along quickly which is good.
And another thing.
You need to live much longer, as eventually PB4USKI and I will need to figure out where you live with honest due respect to Frank.:flowers:
Naps are good emotionally and physically... So the day was not lost. Fingers crossed that you get a plan in order quickly with the specialists.
Hoping for all the best care in your unfortunate journey. Do not be afraid to seek multiple opinions and get multiple read-outs on charts, test results etc.
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