Gave my notice

Amy T

Dryer sheet aficionado
Mar 25, 2019
Gave my notice last week. Waited on bonus payout. Feeling good. I ran numbers and ran numbers and learned a lot from this group. I finally got to the point that more time was more valuable than more money. I was only working for a bigger T&E budget as basic cost were long since covered. Now it will be about optimizing the spending plan.
I still don't know exactly when the last pay check will come. I want to leave on a good note and have told them I will help with a transition.
Looking forward to a lot of fun times and thankful that I will be able to spend more time helping my parents.
Thank you to this group for helping me get to this point with confidence.
Congratulations Amy!
Congratulations Amy, it sounds like you did it the right way on your terms. Your very clear summary reminds me of one of my favorite sayings (learned here) about retiring…
“Work is trading time for money. Eventually you’re trading time you will never get back for money you will never spend”.
Enjoy your next chapter.
I want to leave on a good note and have told them I will help with a transition.
Congrats, but just be careful with this part. Many companies will squander transition time, especially when it's open ended. Monitor things to make sure they are prioritizing this work as much as you.
Congrats, but just be careful with this part. Many companies will squander transition time, especially when it's open ended. Monitor things to make sure they are prioritizing this work as much as you.
I am working on setting my limits. September would be my big evet of the year. I almost have all speakers lined up. I told them I will have it ready to go and if I have to I can fly back to Florida for it. There are other events this summer that I am skipping (who wants to be in Florida in the summer). Once some other things in my life become clear I will be making travel plans!
Great! Enjoy your time, so many things to do so little time.
Thank you! I am thinking I will offer them the end of September, if it comes with a pro-rated bonus. Then a hard stop. I am working on my first retired travel plans!
Thank you! I am thinking I will offer them the end of September, if it comes with a pro-rated bonus. Then a hard stop. I am working on my first retired travel plans!
That's the spirit.
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