What new series are you watching? *No Spoilers, Please*

Also highly recommend "River" and "Unforgotten" both excellent crime dramas.

jollystomper said:
We'll take a look at "River" as well.

I gave "River" a try. It's not for me. It relies on a gimmick that I just couldn't accept. When it was revealed I was torn between astonishment and laughter. I won't say more because it would be spoilers.

I will say that it is a nicely produced, well acted drama. I thought that John River's solving of the crime in episode 1 was pure luck and didn't depend on any skill (or his gimmick.)

Onward to "Unforgotten".
Q's completely agree on River I'd rather watch Bosch reruns then another minute of River.
I gave "River" a try. It's not for me. It relies on a gimmick that I just couldn't accept. When it was revealed I was torn between astonishment and laughter. I won't say more because it would be spoilers.

I will say that it is a nicely produced, well acted drama. I thought that John River's solving of the crime in episode 1 was pure luck and didn't depend on any skill (or his gimmick.)

Onward to "Unforgotten".

i agree completely. even though i am a nikola walker fan i could not get by the "gimmick" the show is based on. unforgotten is a terrific series.
I will say that it is a nicely produced, well acted drama. I thought that John River's solving of the crime in episode 1 was pure luck and didn't depend on any skill (or his gimmick.)

If one likes incompetent detectives who get lucky, check out the highly entertaining Aurelio Zen series by Dibdin. Zen is a so-so detective, who somehow, like Forest Gump, always seems to survive the best attempts to ruin him.

Three Zen books were made into a series by the BBC. Sono molto buono! I suggest getting the DVD disks from the library. I think they are widely available.
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Harlan Coben's SAFE, on Netflix. Outstanding drama. British, but quite understandable for the hearing-challenged. Every episode ended with a "holy crap" revelation. We are not ordinarily binge watchers, but we had to watch the final two episodes because we could not stand to leave it.

No acting, a lot of trash talking and spectacular endos into the icy chill. Winner gets 50 grand!

My kind of reality show - :)
mn54 said:
unforgotten is a terrific series.

I've watched the first three episodes of season 1 of "Unforgotten". I like it. If anyone is unfamiliar with the premise of the show it's about a team of detectives in London that attempt to solve cold cases (murders). The show follows the detectives as they piece together the evidence. Season 1 introduces a lot of characters to investigate and it seems all these characters have secrets they are hiding. The show is not fast-paced, nor is it slow. The pacing is more like a train gaining momentum. One discovery leads to another and then another as the case starts to coalesce.

"Unforgotten" refers to the idea that the murder victims will not be forgotten. The lead investigator, DCI Cassie Stuart, played by Nicola Walker, does a convincing job of conveying her anguish at informing the relatives of the murder victim that the victim will not be forgotten, no matter how many years have passed. In front of her colleagues she brings this point home by displaying anger and determination. It's the dramatic high point of the show (so far), which has many.
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Miss Scarlet & The Duke. - Period London UK PI Drama, lots of costumes very watchable. DW loved it. - Renewed for a Season 2.

Jut Started Prodigal Son season 2 - US Drama, flawed Son of a serial killer solves crimes.

Please use Google to find where they are streaming locally.
Harlan Coben's SAFE, on Netflix.

There are several Harlan Coben's now, decent miniseries, I've watched 2 or 3. But I can't get past the hair. Almost all the women have just-came-from-the-salon-styled hair in most settings, including cops digging in the woods for clues...
There are several Harlan Coben's now, decent miniseries, I've watched 2 or 3. But I can't get past the hair. Almost all the women have just-came-from-the-salon-styled hair in most settings, including cops digging in the woods for clues...

That's interesting because I'm watching "Unforgotten" and I keep thinking Nicola Walker should see a hair stylist!
Ii was watching Silent Witness on Amazon Prime and suddenly it was gone, available now only on BritBox. I guess I’ll start another series - plenty to choose among.
I've noticed a lot of free things disappearing from Amazon and then showing up on another pay service within the prime streaming..IMO there is a lot less free content now.
Miss Scarlet & The Duke. - Period London UK PI Drama, lots of costumes very watchable. DW loved it. - Renewed for a Season 2.

Jut Started Prodigal Son season 2 - US Drama, flawed Son of a serial killer solves crimes.

Please use Google to find where they are streaming locally.

I loved Miss Scarlet and the Duke. A strong woman detective lead, very funny also. I watched it on the PBS Passport ($5 per month).
I loved Miss Scarlet and the Duke. A strong woman detective lead, very funny also. I watched it on the PBS Passport ($5 per month).

Scarlet and the Duke is very entertaining.

It's sort of like Vienna Blood. A straight laced official policeman partners up with an unusual sidekick. In Vienna Blood the sidekick is a young psychiatrist who is inspired by Freud's teachings. I hope we see a another season of Vienna Blood. I had some of the best schnitzel I ever ate in Vienna.
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Just started watching "Dark Heart Season 1" typical UK Police procedural. Great start.

Half way into episode one, I piped up and said that the Brits just seem to do police Dramas better, and that is was probably because of the fact that they are not subject to the namby panby US censorship that the US dramas are.

DW disagreed, she said that it may be some of the reason, but that she thinks it is simply because the Brits simply have better writers of Police Dramas.

Full disclosure, I am English, but she is North American.

What do you folks think?
Watching Season 4 of Grantchester on Amazon Prime.

Without giving away any plot issues, let's just say that once again the vicar is struggling with balancing his clerical duties with helping to catch the bad guys. What else is new? IMHO, they are adding too many side issues and getting away from the who done it? aspect of a good mystery show.
Less shoot-em-up gratuitous violence in the British police shows.
That's what I think as well. Also they don't dumb it down to the lowest common denominator which is pretty much why we don't watch any US shows or networks at all. We really only watch tv for an hour or 2 at night..
Just started watching "Dark Heart Season 1" typical UK Police procedural. Great start.

Half way into episode one, I piped up and said that the Brits just seem to do police Dramas better, and that is was probably because of the fact that they are not subject to the namby panby US censorship that the US dramas are.

DW disagreed, she said that it may be some of the reason, but that she thinks it is simply because the Brits simply have better writers of Police Dramas.

Full disclosure, I am English, but she is North American.

What do you folks think?

Brit police dramas as a rule have better writing, and fewer "soap opera" side-stories about the characters.
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Just started watching "Dark Heart Season 1" typical UK Police procedural. Great start.

Half way into episode one, I piped up and said that the Brits just seem to do police Dramas better, and that is was probably because of the fact that they are not subject to the namby panby US censorship that the US dramas are.

DW disagreed, she said that it may be some of the reason, but that she thinks it is simply because the Brits simply have better writers of Police Dramas.

Full disclosure, I am English, but she is North American.

What do you folks think?
censorship? some of the UK police dramas are very good, some are good only for putting me to sleep.
Two recent mysteries:
- “The Confession”. 5 episodes on PBS’ Masterpiece Mystery. We watched it live/DVR’d. I’m sure it’s retrievable somewhere. A/*****. A fatal auto accident following a wedding leads to conflict between 2 brothers (one a successful lawyer, the other much more average). Lots of twists and turns.
- “Manhunt” on Acorn. Set in Manchester, England. Each season is based on a different murder and the quest to identify and apprehend the perp. A/*****. First season was 3 episodes. Second is 4 with the 4th to drop tomorrow (11/8/21).

These are two of the best mysteries/cop shows I’ve seen in a while and I watch a LOT of them.
I don't know why British police shows are better. Especially BBC (One, Two, Three, etc over ITV and other British channels as well as over US shows) makes the best shows IMO. I always thought that BBC produces superior products due to higher budget/spending backed by taxpayers.

I've noticed that the dead people on British TV shows have their eyes open while the dead people on US TV shows have their eyes closed. Just an observation. Maybe there is some kind of regulations for this in each country? No idea.:LOL:
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Finished Safe of Netflix. Liked it okay.

Watched a couple episodes of La Brea on Hulu. One of the worst shows in plot, acting, or enjoyability I’ve ever wasted time on. A real stinker.
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