Will "Sun" grass seed grow in predominant shade?


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jan 12, 2011
Fair Lawn
Probably a stupid question, especially after being a homeowner for 47 years, but my brain has atrophied since I've been using lawn service for the last 25 years. I need to do some spot repair on my lawn. My backyard gets full sun. I have a couple of small bare spots in my front yard, which gets morning sun but is then in shade. For such small areas, will the sunny seeds know they're in shade and not grow? My landscaper suggested getting both, but I'd be using such a small amount in the front that if I can get away with just the sunny seed I'd rather do that, of course.
Probably a stupid question, especially after being a homeowner for 47 years, but my brain has atrophied since I've been using lawn service for the last 25 years. I need to do some spot repair on my lawn. My backyard gets full sun. I have a couple of small bare spots in my front yard, which gets morning sun but is then in shade. For such small areas, will the sunny seeds know they're in shade and not grow? My landscaper suggested getting both, but I'd be using such a small amount in the front that if I can get away with just the sunny seed I'd rather do that, of course.
Really just depends on the soil, moisture and variety of seed. Worst that happens is it doesn't grow and you keep trying until you find something that does. Or it sprouts in early spring when there are no leaves on the trees and then it struggles. :)
Yes agree with momoney. Can give it a try and see but after years of struggling with shady spots I'd definitely just buy a small bag of the coated shade seed on sale and use that. Bear in mind that often it isn't the sun shade that is the issue but the rain shade as it can be very dry under mature trees though it sounds as if you get some sun so that is less of an issue as shadow casters are likely not big deciduous trees directly overhead.
btw, in best time to plant grass is when cooler and damper weather starts, in many places that's early autumn
We have similar sun/shade in our yards. Sun loving grass will grow, just not as vigorously.
At least that has been our experience.
Agree, Fall is your best time to seed grass successfully.
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